How May We Serve You?

Lives just like yours are transforming!

Become more joyful, more abundant, more healthy, more peaceful, more successful, more fulfilled.

It’s the nature of the human experience that even before birth you are learning about life the same way computers learn to operate  You are programed. We call it education, experience, parenting.  These conditioned programs, are more often than not, unhealthy and unsupportive to living your life in alignment with your own true nature. This programming subtly and silently takes over and runs your life. These programs cover up your authentic self the real you—the you that could be healthy, whole and free. You’re innocent in all this. It’s not your fault—and, only you can change it.  With our help you can.

Only when you remove this programing can you really have clarity and free choice in your life. Only then can you know who you really are—only then can you really be awake and free to live into your own innate greatness and joy.

Why doesn’t everyone do this? This programming went in at a very deep level. It can only be removed from where it is – the deepest levels of your consciousness.  With the proven Inspired Coaching methods, we can help.  When you’re ready to reclaim real control in and of your life, Contact Us.  We’d love to show you what’s possible for you.

Inspiring Lives Programs & Support

If you are experiencing life in ways that keep you limited, keep you from the joy, fulfillment, happiness, the freedom, abundance and well-being the deepest part of you knows you deserve, learn more about how and why this work really works and how it can work for you.   At Life Works there is an inspiring difference—we are INSPIRING LIVES—and we’d love to chat with you about yours—here’s how to begin.

What our clients are saying!

You continue to be such an inspiration to me and, again, I cannot thank you enough for your wisdom and guidance. Besides going to Al-Anon, I went to my first Divorce Support group tonight. It is a 10-week program, with each week’s meeting being 2 1/2 hrs. long. I must tell you that of all the people in my group, I was the happiest; and I credit that to you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a wonderful and wise man!
— K. W. Michigan
Yesterday I had a wonderful gift: I had to go to the hip surgeon to schedule the hip surgery, but when he tested my hip mobility he was surprised to find that I no longer was a candidate for intervention! Hip hip hurray!
— S. S. Michigan
Wow Bob. That was powerful and profound. I can’t believe it was only our first session. Just sat with it yesterday, enjoyed the clear purged feeling. Deep gratidude, thank you.
— J. K. Calgary, Canada
…You have helped me so much. Trust me Bob we will stay connected. You have helped me so much. We will talk soon.
— C. W. Oklahoma
My life is going in a different direction now—a direction that I thought was only for others. I see myself being who I am doing the work I’m supposed to be doing.
— L.A. Ohio
What seemed out of reach before, is now within my grasp. This is huge for me. I’m no longer going to stifle myself. I feel like my spirit is being set free and it feels incredible. I thank you with all my heart.
— D.K. Colorado
Synthesizing his personal expertise and gentle wit, coupled with seemingly ancient wisdom, he has brilliantly partnered my transformation from the ordinary to the extraordinary…Valium….$45…Seeing your therapist…$100…Having Bob on your team…priceless!
— S.H. Michigan
I can tell this was a good session—I am EXHAUSTED. And my leg doesn’t hurt and my cravings are gone. YEAH. Thanks again.
— J.L, Ohio
Thank you, for guiding me through my skin cancer surgery. Your words and thoughts helped me enjoy a successful outcome and have given me new insights that help me visualize a healthy future.
— S. A. Washington
Meeting you and sharing time was an absolute gift, just one more example of how the universe provides everything we need when it is needed.
— S. G. California
“It was INCREDIBLE! Even your e-mails carry huge power. This changed by life. Maybe even SAVED it! Thank you, for bringing me back to the light! Thank you.”
— C.M. Michigan
Thank you for the complete and insightful summary of our session. Your messages constitute a treasured diary of my journey.
— D.R. Brazil
Life is so awesome now and I’m doing so well. So excited all the time and enjoying and appreciating every minute!
— J.N. British Columbia, Canada
I have some big news: I am starting my business. I LOVE the Universe. I am very excited about this new dream coming true and I feel like it is the beginning of a life that completely reflects my deepest essence.
— A. C. Ontario, Canada
Thank you for that most amazing guidance—I’ve being feeling much more gentle with myself these days. And most appreciative. Merci.
— J. K. Quebec, Canada

Why work with an expert?

We have a passion for exceeding your expectations. You’ll appreciate our relaxed manner…it’s personal – yet no-nonsense.  We are committed to your success, we are committed to clarity, truth and freedom and the life you deserve to live.  It’s your life, the way you want it to work for you, and we are here to inspire you to live it well and fully.  Learn More
As a Professional Coaches, we are your partner in freedom, forming a precious alliance, providing you with the tools, support and courage to  be and achieve more in your life than you have ever thought possible.  Learn More
To serve you with integrity, clarity, truth, freedom and confidentiality.  Learn More
The Inspiring Lives experience begins with a warm welcome!

The Welcome Packet, sent by e-mail, is a simple information exchange and gathering we ask all new clients to review and complete. Learn More

Unlike therapy, which generally focuses on talking about the past, this work is forward focused and results oriented. We use the past to reveal the blockages, the limiting patterns, unconscious beliefs or thoughts that have kept you stuck, so that you can break through them and shift not only one area of your life, but actually change your life completely! Learn More
We know for most clients what often accompanies the first session can be anything from anxiety to fear and often a lot of stress and tension. We invite you to relax. Learn More