Our Promise to You

To Serve You with…

Integrityour founding principle. Our mission is to honor your agenda as our own. We pledge to be honest open sincere and real every step of the way and to partner with you for the highest and best outcome for your success.

Clarity—the key to lasting success. Only when obscurations are removed can the real be distinguished from the unreal and the veil of confusion set aside. We pledge to always be clear in our communication and in our work and to hold the bar for you to do the same.

Truththe cornerstone of liberation. To be fully authentic is to be in truth. Our pledge is to always be in truth with you, with the work and with life and to help guide you to the fullest expression of that realization and experience in your own life.

Freedomthe goal of life itself. To be free, is to be free of the bondage of habitual ways of being, to be free of the illusions of life, of the lies we’ve been told are true and to see life in each moment as it really is. In that, conscious choice, the wisdom guided choice with which we were all endowed naturally arises. It is our pledge to always be focused on your freedom.

Confidentialitya sacred trust. To be in the depth of this work the safety that only confidentiality can assure is mandatory. It is our pledge to hold all that is spoken, written and exchanged with the highest degree of respect and confidentiality we can provide. We often work with couples and others who are in complex relationships.  Our pledge of confidentiality even extends to those you love and care about. If anyone is to know the content or details of your work, that can only come from you.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people that have come alive.

— Harold Thurman Whitman