Abundance & Wealth

 — The Universal Law of Plenty — 

In our modern use of language, we commonly misuse words. This is not because we’re illiterate. It’s because we have been programmed with meanings that are not accurate. Abundance and wealth are two such words.

Abundance and wealth to many of us means money and material possessions. The quantity of houses, cars, jewels, business ventures, investments and the like become the measure of success or failure. Not only is that definition very limited, it only refers to aspects of abundance and wealth that are impermanent. Particularly in economic times such as those we live in today, money and material possessions change hands quickly and often without warning. To place real value on money and material possessions is to ignore the vast abundance and wealth that is readily available to us all in life.

Another concept we often hold about abundance and wealth is, some have it and some don’t. Some have more and some have less. This opens the door for the mind to focus on what it doesn’t have and strive for what it wants. Not only is that concept simply not true, it forces the mind to pursue what it already has. How foolish!

There is a tale in the Ancient Wisdom stories of Tibetans which refers to ‘a pauper sitting on a chest of jewels.’ The story is of a beggar in the market place who each day comes and sits on a wooden box in the market. Each day he begs for the merest of paltry coins. Each night he sleeps out under the sky with barely enough food for his hunger. When he dies, the elders of the market open the box to find it full of gold and jewels. Like that, when it comes to abundance and wealth we each are in some way like that pauper – living in a Universe that is lavishly abundant while we are believing we are paupers.

Real abundance, Universal Abundance is like a constant, refreshing rain. Whatever receptacle you hold out will receive it. If you hold out a thimble, you’ll receive merely a thimble full. If you hold out a cup, you’ll find a cup full. If you hold out a pail or a bucket or a barrel, that will be filled to overflowing. No matter what size of vessel you hold out, it will be filled. Imagine if you opened the whole of your self to be filled by this gentle, ceaseless Universal rain of abundance…imagine how abundant you could be then!

The question is, what kind of receptacle are you holding out for the Universe to fill?

Is it possible your vessel is defective? If so, it can be repaired. If fear, hate, doubt, greed, envy and judgment are choking off your vessel, it can be made whole again by filling it with peace, tranquility, trust and love.

The faster the world moves, if you want true abundance and wealth, the more important it becomes to slow down and look within for what makes you truly happy. If you measure success by the quality of your life rather than just by the quantity of material possessions and achievements, then the timeless wisdom of the Universe will speak abundantly and directly to your heart and mind.

Through the work at Inspiring Lives, you can access a well of sensible down-to-earth wisdom. Creativity, positive intension and wisdom-guided thinking, empowered by your highly focused dynamic will, will show you how you can naturally attract an abundance of happiness, harmony and a wealth of limitless joy by simply being in Universal alignment.

To begin, every day, do something to help others. Even if it is only a pittance, do it. You can be helpful materially by giving to the needy; and mentally by giving comfort to the sorrowful and emotionally by giving courage to the fearful, sincere friendship and moral support to the weak.

At the end of life material riches no matter how abundant, will be left behind. On the other hand, every good that you have done will go with you. Materially wealthy people who live in miserliness, and selfish people who choose to not help others, can not sustainably attract wealth. And those who give and share, whether they have much or little, will attract prosperity. That is a law of the Universe.

Certainly you have to work to feed and clothe the body and care for your family duties. However, many of us are so busy gathering money, material achievements and material possessions, we forget that we are creating a lot of heart ache and dis-ease along the way…and some of that might be our own. The important key to success is balance in all things.

No matter what material wealth you have, if you’re not happy you have still are not living abundantly and have not made a success of your life. When you can truthfully say, “I am happy, and no one can take my happiness away from me,” you are wealthy beyond compare and more abundant that a king.

If you feel your life is out of balance; if you feel you are missing out on abundance or it’s not available to you, Contact Us. We’d love to help.

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.

— Franklin D. Roosevelt