Bob’s Blog

— United We Stand… —

If there was any question that the world is profoundly changing, the unexpected election results of November 8, 2016 should be enough to convince the most resolute of us that change is already here.  This change is not just in the United States, it is happening around the globe.  Consciousness is shifting and there is no way back. The old adage of ‘United we stand..' has long been recognized as a great truth [...]


— You’re Not Alone! —

My life seems out of control! You're Not Alone! Time is moving faster - there is too much to do and not enough time or space in which to do it. Relationships are being stretched to the point of breaking and it seems there is no sanctuary, no oasis, nowhere left to hide. You’re not alone. This is the experience we are all having right now. It is frustrating, even maddening and it [...]


— Liberating Your Boundless Potential —

Let’s face it. We all simply want to be happy. We have very different ways to view happiness and very different ways of pursuing happiness, and yet, at the core we all simply want to be happy. To be in-spired is to be ‘in spirit’. And to be in spirit is to be who you really are, living the life you were really meant to live, a life of joy, happiness and [...]
