Change & Transition

…the No-Comfort Zone

We live in a time of extraordinary change. The world has changed and nobody told us about it. Yet even though we realize that change needs to happen, we seem to instinctively resist it out of fear: fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of being judged, fear of being alone, even fear of survival. Most of us want to cling on to what we believe is the safety of the past or the status quo, even if it is no longer fulfilling…even if it’s no longer possible. This holding on is called a ‘Comfort Zone’ although the very last thing it is, is comfortable.

No matter what has happened in your past or what is happening in your present – no matter what mistakes you believe you’ve made, disappointments you’ve experienced, shame or embarrassment you’ve felt, or pain and suffering you’ve endured – No matter what you fear about the future or project from the past – no matter what risks you want to avoid, or outcome you want to evade – you can radically reinvent yourself anew so you are untouched by any of that. We can show you how.

Uniquely trained and experienced to guide clients undergoing life-altering transitions, we can support you in healthily working through the emotional impact and help you navigate the logistics of change. We can inspire you to find the courage to shed aspects of an old painful identity or ways of being that no longer serve or support.  You can step out of your old story and into your life filled with passion, purpose and potential. We can guide you from living life by default to living life by design and we are ready, willing and able to partner and support you all the way.

If change is here and you’re feeling uncertain; if you know transition is what will serve you best in life but can’t find the courage to face it, or the tools to gracefully make it happen, we welcome you to explore what is possible with a No Charge Chat or simply Contact Us. We’re here to help.

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves.

Mahatma Gandhi