Dealing with Depression

Divorce, separation, loss of a job, loss of your home, your financial position, loss of a loved one – no matter what the loss, loss can rock the foundation of your being and your sense of security in life. Loss can trigger a HUGE range of emotions that can cloud your thinking, zap your energy and is often the catalyst for a number of not always welcome changes in your life.  When it’s severe enough loss can lead to a state of depression

Depression can happen to all of us. At some time in most of our lives, we will suffer some form of depression. For many of us the experience passes in a few days. The depression that stays, that deepens that gets in the way of you living a full, happy, productive life is another matter.  If it’s not resolved from the emotional root, the best that can be done is to cover up the symptoms. Pills, powders and potions mask the real cause of depression.  If you choose to cover up the cause, the cost of cover up is huge.

Addressing the real, underlying emotional issue you can move from heartache to hope, resentment to relief, anger to acceptance, fear to freedom. And what if you could actually transform pain into gain?
 What if you can use depression as the key that unlocks the door to deeper 
understanding, fulfillment and ultimately, sustainable happiness in your life?

Like it or not, you can’t stop life changes from happening.  That said, you can find powerful tools and learn healthy ways to deal with the pain, suffering and emotional abyss that depression often brings, in a healthily empowering way that can forever transform your life leaving depression behind.

We are acknowledged experts at working with clients whose hearts are hurting. We can help you find the wisdom to heal your wounds and turn the breakdown of your life into the breakthrough you need to move powerfully forward. We can guide you to have the life you may have only imagined. No matter what is arising for you now, it is never too late to have your happily ever after life.

Please contact us and let us know how we might help in your specific situation.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

— Marianne Williamson