
What People Really Want To Know…

What it’s not2016-09-23T20:29:27-04:00

Inspired Coaching is not psychological therapy or counseling that dwells on the past. Inspired Coaching holds you in the highest esteem and does not in any way judge, criticize or blame you for anything that has happened, has been or is in your life.

Inspired Coaching invites you to move forward. Inspired Coaching supports you to find, shift and change those deep ingrained patterns and habitual ways of being that have been keeping you trapped. Inspired Coaching is not bound by clinical protocol but accesses your own innate wisdom, your own blueprint of happiness to guide you into the clarity, truth and freedom of the eternal present moment of now.  Inspired Coaching is a laser focused method to simply uncover and reveal the happiness and fulfillment that is already inside and unique to you. Inspired Coaching allows you to be all you want and choose to be – now.

Are my results guaranteed?2016-09-23T20:32:27-04:00

Simply…there are no guarantees in life.  Likewise there are no guarantees for your results. However, if you are willing to show up – if you are willing to do the work – if you are willing to be responsible for your self, your thoughts, your habits and your beliefs – if you are willing to change, even radically, our experience working with thousands of individuals attests that the results you want can certainly be yours.  That has happened for thousands of others and it can happen for you.  The degree to which you will experience results is directly proportional to the degree you are willing to apply the work in your life.

How long will this process take?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

You are a unique being with unique experience, programming, needs, desires and goals. All of this is to say that ‘how long’ is a function of your willingness to really dive in deeply and do the work.  Momentum is key. As you continually learn and apply the work in your life the level of clarity, truth and freedom you want will be yours.  You decide for you.  What you want has no bearing on how long this will take.  What you are willing to do, does.  Typically, clients will do the work for some time and then take that level of change and integrate it fully into transforming their life. Then, when they want to raise the bar, go deeper, soar higher, become more of the greatness, happiness, peace, joy and fulfillment they are now beginning to reveal, they will resume.  At that point it is common for clients to level up their momentum and take a giant leap forward in their evolution. So how long is completely dependent on you.  That said, we are willing to partner you all the way, no matter what your chosen pace might be.

How can Inspired Coaching help me?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

Inspired Coaching is only appropriate for those who really want to change their life for the better.  If you are content with life as it is for you, Inspired Coaching would not be your best choice. However, if you want to improve your life, improve your self-awareness, learn how to empower yourself in all situations and with all people, if you want to improve your communication with others, if you want to improve the quality of your relationships, if you want to live a more successful, productive, happy life, fulfilling life, an Inspired Coaching Coach can guide you to remove the programming and obscurations and silent saboteurs that are holding you back from what you want. That said, each client is unique.  Some want to raise the bar in their lives, others want to throw the bar away entirely. With Inspired Coaching not only is either possible, both are fully and totally available.

Is Inspired Coaching right for me?2016-10-05T23:44:03-04:00

Simply that you have come this far and are reading this, yes. Inspired Coaching is right for you.  And, if you want to really check and see for yourself, take advantage of our Ask a Coach or No Charge Chat offer.  You can be assured of confidentiality as you ask your specific questions as they relate uniquely to you and your life. At Inspiring Lives, we are committed to positive results.  If you are as well, Inspired Coaching is certainly right for you.

I have been diagnosed by a medical doctor. Will you still work with me?2016-10-05T23:46:41-04:00

Certainly.  We are focused only on your Wellbeing and that means at every level.  We have often found the ‘team’ approach with you being the ‘captain of the team’ offers you the greatest possibility for health, wellness and total Wellbeing. In our experience, any physical manifestation of illness or disease can be linked with a much deeper emotional root. To address both the illness and the root at the same time can only improve your chances of greater Wellbeing. Simply Contact Us or take advantage or our No Charge Chat and let’s explore how we might enhance and compliment your current health care program together.

I have been prescribed and am taking medication. Should I continue while I work with you?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

Any medications, prescriptions or otherwise you have been prescribed by a qualified physician or naturopathic doctor or other qualified health care professional should only be adjusted in consultation with that prescriber.  We do not in any way give advice, prescribe or counsel about medications.  If you have medication questions, please take those up directly with your prescribing health care professional. We have often seen in our work with clients that wellbeing is enhanced or restored.  However, before you make any decisions about your medications, we reassert, please take up that discussion with your prescriber of that medication.

Can you help with depression?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

Yes, very much so.  We have excellent results working with clients who have had challenges with depression. We invite you to read more about depression on our website.  This is one area where the work we offer has been proven to be very effective and sustainable allowing you to get back into the game of life with gusto. You are welcome to Contact Us for who we might work together to that end.

I am over 60. Can an ‘old dog’ learn new tricks?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

Old dogs or young pups, all that matters is do you want to be free?  It is NEVER too late to live the rest of your life in peace, joy, happiness and fulfillment. Today, the ‘boomer’ generation is living longer, doing more and deeply engaged in life. Instead of retirement, we see ‘re-firement’. 60, 70, 80 or more is the perfect time for you to be all you are and want to be.  Our most junior client is 8 years old.  Our most senior client 95. If your bathroom mirror fogs up when you breathe on it, you are the perfect age for Inspired Coaching to help you improve your life. If you’d like to discuss specifics with us you can Contact Us as soon as you’re ready.

I have just been told I have cancer. What do I do now?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

Contact Us. One of the most debilitating aspects of any serious diagnosis is the massive emotional impact on the person and their family.  This is the usual experience when one is given a diagnosis of cancer. As human beings we tend to project the worst possible outcome when we receive news of this kind.  In our experience the projected or anticipated ‘story’ of what will be, is far worse than the reality. It is critical to keep your energy clear and strong. Stuck in some horror projection that keeps you out of balance energetically can only retard your healing process. A strong mind focused on wellbeing allows a strong immune system focused on healing. We can help.  We invite you to read more about Cancer and Wellbeing here and then Contact Us when you’re ready.

My husband is an alcoholic and I am the one suffering. What can I do2016-10-06T00:07:11-04:00

Addictions of any kind are often destructive in the lives of those addicted and of anyone near them.  The highest and best solution is to offer the whole family, but especially the spouse/partner of the one with the challenge, to embark on a program that will bring understanding, compassion, unconditional love and the possibility of complete healthy recovery to all involved.  However, in the event of imminent physical danger or threat to life and limb, call 911 for help.  Otherwise, we invite you to read more about Addictions here.and then Contact Us when you’re ready to help your loved one and yourself find the way back to wellbeing.

I am in a love-less relationship and I don’t know what to do. Can you help?2016-10-06T00:08:59-04:00

Certainly we can help.  Relationships of all kinds are as complex and challenging as the partners in them and the circumstances around them.  We can all have unresolved relationship issues that hold us back from enjoying the fullness of a joyful and love-based intimate interaction with another human being.  We find lack of clarity is often at the root of such an experience. We invite you to read more about Relationships and then take advantage of our No Charge Chat to find out more about how we might be able to help you with clarity and serve and support you in your specific situation.

I have been estranged from my adult child for years. I am so sad. What can I do?2016-10-21T17:45:14-04:00

The parent/child relationship is one that can be very complex and quite challenging and yet, simply resolvable.  What is called for is understanding.  When you truly understand the actual nature of the parent/child paradigm and have the willingness to really be open to your self and your situation with unconditional love, extraordinary things can be set in motion.  We invite you to read more about Relationship and then take advantage of our No Charge Chat so we can explore the specifics of your own personal situation and determine if Inspired Coaching is right for you.

If you have a question that has not been addressed here or would like to explore how we can help in your specific circumstances, please Contact Us and let us know. We’d be happy to explore the possibilities for a great outcome and a sustainable solution addressed specifically to your challenge and tailored to address your needs. You can use our Ask A Coach e-mail form or take advantage of our No Charge Chat as soon as you are ready. We will be standing by to welcome your inquiry.

What everyone should know—This web site is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. You should not rely on information provided on this web site for self-diagnosis or treatment of your own health challenges. Any questions regarding your own health, medications or treatment regimen should be addressed directly to your own healthcare provider. Life Works makes no representations, claims or promises regarding any healing outcome, as healing is a very personal journey that each of us takes.