— The Core of the Inspiring Lives Experience —

Let’s face it. We all simply want to be happy. Although we have very different ways to view happiness and very different ways of pursuing happiness, at the core, we all simply want to be happy.

Several years ago I had the honor to spend several days with a Prince of the Kingdom of Bhutan. As we talked, he shared with me  most countries hold GDP or  Gross Domestic Product a key indicator of the monetary wealth of the country, as their measure of the state of the country’s wellbeing  In Bhutan, he said, their measure of the state of wellbeing is the happiness of the people.  They refer to this a GPH, Gross Personal Happiness.

The essence of the philosophy of Gross Personal Happiness is the peace and happiness that arises from the core of your being when it is free from the blocks, limitations and saboteurs, the programming you have picked up as you moved through life. This core happiness then becomes the foundation of your life and a blessing to all in your circle of living.

Gross Personal Happiness points to a quality of life and living in more holistic terms than only the economic, material indicator of what you ‘have’ or what you ‘own’. Gross Personal Happiness is a feeling of fullness, of completeness, contentment that is not possible to put into words. Each of us in some way has glimpsed that within ourselves. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it were possible to live in that consciousness always? It is…

Gross Personal Happiness is one way in which we at Inspiring Lives calibrate our commitment to you our client.  Certainly in our modern world it is important to assure that your financial and material life is in order. For that to be complete, your non-material life, your happiness, must also be in order.  It is that balance, that is the root of Gross Personal Happiness.

GPH is, above all, a way of framing the foundation from which life can truly be lived fully and with abundance and joy. These elements are the natural birthright of us all. Modern day programming often obscures our true nature so we at Inspiring Lives are inspiring lives to step into Gross Personal Happiness…to a life lived in clarity, truth and freedom. To begin your journey into freedom and your own Gross Personal Happiness you can begin by learning more or feel free to Contact Us now.

Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing on one's own sunshine.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson