How it Works

The Inspiring Lives experience begins with a warm Welcome!

The Welcome Packet, sent by e-mail, is a simple information exchange and gathering we ask all new clients to review and complete. It allows us to get up to speed quickly and allows you to get the “most bang for your buck” so to speak.  That way we are not spending our working time gathering information, but doing what you want to do…changing the current direction of those things in your life which may not be serving you well right now and moving forward into extraordinary possibility in your daily experience – one of clarity, in truth and freedom. We prefer to be getting into the heart of the matter as soon as your first session begins and this permits us to do just that.

As you begin this Welcome Packet process, the deeper point from where we will dive into your work will begin to reveal itself and the work will take the form it needs to address your specific and unique requirements. The information you put in the Welcome Packet is entirely confidential and simply helps give us an overview of you, your life and your needs and helps us both come to this process in action.

If you feel this work is for you.  If you feel you would like to complete your own Welcome Packet, let’s have a No Charge Chat to see if this work could really benefit you.

The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.

— Emily Dickinson