Loss, Grief and Trauma

“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” 

Thank you John Lennon. It’s true. Although loss, grief and trauma, are natural parts of life and living, when they come to visit, when we actually experience them, they can be life altering and throw us into a place of darkness which can be very hard to escape on our own.


There can be many forms of loss in life; loss of a job, a career, a home, a way of life, a loved one, a limb, control over our physical body, control of our mind…there can be many forms of loss. The one aspect they all have in common is the disorienting effect the experience has on our life. Why?  The reason is simple.  We are focused on the loss.  What we miss is the gift that comes concealed in the heart of that experience.

Yes, the gift.  What if you could see the gift and turn loss into gain?
 What if you could turn your breakdown, into a breakthrough, change your confusion into clarity, shift boredom into excitement, or unhappiness 
into ever-new joy and re-design your life?

Most of us live life by default, the way we were trained and conditioned to live it. We rarely look “outside the box” as it was given to us.  Loss can be one way to open that box and find the way out.  What does the box look like?  Living life by default.  What is the possibility?  Living life by design…your design.  Living life the way you choose for you.

All this is not only possible, it’s accessible. We invite you to make the choice to be free now and contact us.


Grief is a natural, healthy, human response to catastrophic personal loss. A normal response to an abnormal situation. Grief describes the emotions you feel when you lose someone or something exceedingly important to you such as; the death of a loved one, including friends or pets; divorce or significant relationship changes; radical and/or sudden changes in your health or the health of a loved one; losing a job or changes in financial security and changes in your way of life, such as retirement or when moving into a new life situation.

There are typically five stages in the grief cycle: denial (including numbness and shock), anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance: All of these feelings are normal. However, not everyone who is grieving experiences all of them and not everyone experiences them in the same order. It is also common to cycle back through some of these stages more than once. Grief can include many other emotions and even physical symptoms and they can last anywhere from weeks to years.

There is no “right” way to grieve. Everybody is different. It is important to give yourself time to experience your loss in your own way, and, at the same time, remember to take care of yourself.  It’s most important to ask for help if you need it.  Signs that you may need a greater level of support are; you’re having trouble dealing with your emotions; you don’t start to feel better as time passes;  your feelings begin to disrupt your daily life, or you start to think about hurting yourself or others. Be honest with yourself. If you need help we’re here when you’re ready.  Simply Contact Us and we’d be happy to share our experience with you and how we might help in your specific situation.


Traumatic stress associated with an accident, cancer, childhood abuse, combat and first responder service, a natural disaster and sexual and other egregious assault can take an enormous mental, emotional and physical toll and significantly disrupt your life. It can take away your sense of safety and security and replace it with feelings of vulnerability, lack of control and despair. It can cause you to suffer from nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia, feelings of numbness, anxiety, hyper vigilance, low self esteem even autoimmune response. But it does not have to be that way. You can work with the emotional components of the traumatic event and over time ease and eventually recover from the traumatic stress.

Trauma can steal your power and sap your will to live. It is possible to learn to take back your power and move your life forward with hope and purpose. As you continue to work at increasingly deeper levels, your days of struggle, pain and loneliness can be put behind you where they belongs. We can help. We understand your situation is very personal, very sensitive even very humiliating.  We offer you a compassionate heart and decades of experience of successfully helping others who may have been in your same situation.  Let’s together explore the possibilities of how you can have a brighter, more meaningful, more fulfilling future, a future based on the joy you really want in your life. We invite you to send us a confidential No Charge Chat request.  Let us share with you how we have been successful in past and explore how we might help you now. We’d love to speak with you when you’re ready.

Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr