Meet Us

…We’re All About You

As Professional Coaches, we are your partner in freedom, forming a precious alliance based on mutual respect caring and trust. We will provide you with the tools, support and guidance to be and to achieve more in your life than you ever thought possible.

 We will encourage you accept the reality of where you are in your life and to have the courage to live into the dream of where you want to be.  We will stand with you as you begin to take responsibility for your own choices and actions. We will support you as you begin to live in the present moment, the only place that real change can happen.  We will inspire you to feel at ease living as your authentic self and to make the conscious choice to live into your own greatness while embracing the joy and happiness that is your native birthright.

From a beautiful zen retreat setting in Michigan’s pristine countryside, Life Works LLC with its mission of Inspiring Lives, conducts its global business on a one-to-one, very personal basis with individuals and companies around the world.  Blending the miracles of Twenty First Century modern technology and core of the Ancient Wisdom teachings learned at the feet of many of this life’s greatest living masters of freedom, at Inspiring Lives we will inspire you to be all you ever imagined you can be – and more!

If this resonates with you as a journey you would like to take, we invite you to Contact Us.  We’d love to show you how it’s really possible for you.

Bob Levy

bob-portraitBob is well steeped and experienced in the art and science of awakening and liberating the infinite human potential. From successful international entrepreneur, to monastic life in Asia, and India, Bob has experienced a vast array of life and living. He is passionately committed to offering and sharing these profound yet simple principles of Ageless Wisdom Knowledge blended with the technology of modern living and has co-created Inspiring Lives, a division of Life Works LLC as a practical means of sharing this precious work.

As the result of a life-long prayer to help all beings realize lasting happiness and the innate truth of the greatness within themselves, Bob, following half a lifetime devoted to spiritual unfoldment and the raising of higher consciousness, is committed to the proposition of unbound human potential and supporting the unfolding of sustainable community, welcoming this age of higher consciousness with all those drawn to do the same.

Bob supports his local community as a Hospice and Community Chaplain, published columnist, and guest on cable TV and radio. In the larger and international community, he serves as Personal Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Executive, Business and Strategic Coach and public speaker, sought after for his humor, wit and laser-like insight. As co-founder of the consulting firm Inspiring Lives, he encourages, inspires and supports his clients, to quickly and profoundly access their own higher consciousness by removing the blocks and limitations that prevent living truly healthy, vibrant, abundant and joyful lives.

Trained and certified in many healing modalities, Bob offers a holistic and unique approach to mind, body, emotion and spirit integration. Both he and his wife and business partner Claire, have traveled throughout the United States, Canada and Asia, sharing their life, their love, their humor and wisdom, serving  Clarity, Truth and Freedom, the passion that drives their lives.

Bob would love to connect with you.  Just visit our Ask A Coach link.

Claire Levy

Claire LevyClaire brings a rare combination of the sensitive and the practical into alignment with beauty and grace and is blessed with an extraordinary sense of color, form and design. With almost two decades creating functional and inspiring environments for many of this nations top Fortune 500 companies, Claire has a very practical way of incorporating body, mind and spirit understanding in a deeply nurturing and effective way. Having studied in Bali, Peru, Mexico, India and a lifetime working with the timeless Edgar Cayce teachings, Claire brings a unique and very special power to her Wisdom Teachings based work. Accredited in many healing modalities Claire, as a Personal Life Coach, co-founder of Inspiring Lives and a Former Member of the Board of Trustees for the Association of Research and Enlightenment, offers her clients a very positive and healing experience in her characteristic gentle and graceful manner. With her ever-present charm and gentle openness, Claire is a living manifestation of the unconditional love she shares and teaches always.

Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and inspire!

— Vince Lombardi