— Being On Purpose With Your Purpose In Life. — 

Right from the time, we are toddlers begin to fantasize about what we want to be when we grew up…a fireman, a nurse, a cowboy, a mother, a policeman a ballerina. As we got older maybe it changes, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer an engineer. Although these are fantasies, at one time or another all of us have asked the question, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” and “What am I to do and how and when and with whom should I be doing it?”

For thousands of years, we followed the pattern of our parents and our community and did what they did in the same way they did it.  Occasionally, one of us would rebel and do something quite different than the pattern others set for us. At best we were criticized even ostracized from home and community.  Occasionally, we paid for this rebellion with our lives.

Times have changed.  Around the time of the industrial revolution, there were other large scale revolutions taking place.  As transportation and communication were more available, it became easier to not only move around but to find a larger sense of community to which we could belong. The impossible was becoming possible. There was a climate of creativity, inventiveness, daring and risk that was spreading exponentially across the planet.  What became more available and accessible was choice.

With choice there were new questions that arose that took their place along side the old ones.  Who am I? was now more,.. How can I express who I really am in the world?

For most of us we find ourselves still trapped or confined by the expectations of ourselves and others. We try to fit into the envelop of what is expected of us.  We value being a professional, of being in business, of being an educator or a scientist.  Why? Because those are the things that our community values.

Unintentionally we give over our choice to the programing we’ve adopted as to what it means in the world to be successful, to be happy, what we should and shouldn’t do and be.  How can you be certain what’s really right for you?  How can you know why you have come into life and what the purpose is for you being here? How can you truly know?

Now you can know. Now you can really discover the answers to your deepest questions of life and we can help. We’ve spent decades with some of the worlds most evolved living masters.  We bring their wisdom and insight to the Inspiring Lives work and offer it to those who really want to know the answer to, “Why have I come?” and “How can I be on purpose with my purpose of being?”

Actually, we all come her with a kind of blueprint.  A plan or map of how we can live our perfect life…of how we can be on purpose with our purpose of being.  To live this way is effortless and full of joy and now it is attainable for you.

If you are ready to live your greatest potential, to be the fullest expression of who you really are, contact us today! Let us help you find your blueprint, let us help you find your answers. We’re here to help.

The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream.

— Harry Kemp