— My Life Seems Crazy—Out Of Control —

You’re not alone!

We are living in unprecedented times. The world has changed and no one told us. Time is moving faster. Everything is speeding up.  There is too much to do and not enough time or space in which to do it. Relationships are being stretched to the point of breaking and it seems there is no sanctuary, no oasis, nowhere left to hide!

It may be little comfort, but you’re not alone. This is the experience we are all having right now. It is frustrating, even maddening and it seems to be getting more intense every day.

Consciousness is expanding. It’s on an ascending arc moving forward and rising upward. Never before in recorded history have we seen or experienced this at this level. It’s been predicted by many indigenous cultures for thousands of years. This shift in consciousness is and will continue to be changing our world and our lives – permanently. In the midst of all the turmoil we see many of us are waiting, hoping, even praying that things return to ‘normal’. The old normal is gone. There is a new normal in it’s place. There is no going back, not for anyone.

Every culture and tradition from the Mayan to the Buddhist, from the Christian to the Hindu has spoken of a time when major change will sweep the planet. It is this sweeping, this cleansing of lower consciousness that is preparing the way for a higher consciousness to dawn. It’s not coming,..it’s happening right now,  Even Nature herself is part of this and reflects it with major shifts in weather patterns and an exponential increase in what we call, natural disasters. It is happening everywhere…as you read these lines.

What is there to do? How can one prepare? Actually it’s simple. One simply has to align with this new and higher consciousness. In fact, you already are aligned perfectly. It is only the blocks and limitations, the silent saboteurs, the out-of- alignment programming in your mind that you believe is true that keeps you from living into this higher consciousness and being a part of this evolutionary shift.

The ultimate aim for this Universal shift is the elevation of consciousness to higher and higher levels. The cycle of this evolution has been predicted in great detail in the esoteric writings of all ancient wisdom traditions. As an individual, what you can do is to clear what blocks your own innate alignment with this cycle. When that happens, you will ease into higher and higher levels of consciousness yourself so you can live on purpose with your purpose for being in life.

Even after the first Inspiring Lives session, many clients experience a deep feeling of inner calm, ultimately leading to a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life. This is an indication that they have opened into and aligned with their own true nature.

Your own true nature is always perfectly in alignment with the Universe – shifting or not. This alignment begins to feed and nourishes you more fully than you may have even known. From this place, with continuing work, you continue to experience deeper and more vast levels of connection to life and Universal change. It’s a process of transformation that continues as you continue to do the work.

All that keeps you from being who you really are and being in alignment with your higher self and the evolving state of the Universe is the limiting beliefs, outmoded conditioning and redundant programing you picked up from others along the way in life. It’s not your fault.  And, if you want to ease your way into the new consciousness that is relentlessly arising around you, it is your job to clear them out.

You don’t have to learn more, get more, be more.  You are already whole and complete in every respect at the deeper levels of consciousness that are already in you.  This work is not a process of addition.  It is a process of subtraction. Subtract the old outmoded ways of being, habits and programming that are stuck in the past and step into the present, ready to embrace the new and exciting, expansive future.

If you want to stop the craziness and align, if you want to really be a part of this ascending stream of consciousness that leads to lasting joy, happiness and abundance, click here and learn how you can start today. We’d be happy to show you how

When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose.

— Chief Seattle