— Liberating Your Boundless Potential —

“We are not human being having a spiritual experience;” writes Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, “we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”  This is the understanding that forms the foundation of liberating your Boundless Potential.  This is the understanding that forms our foundation at Inspiring Lives. Why?  To be in-spired is to be ‘in spirit’. To be in spirit is to be present who you really are, living the life you were really meant to live, a life of joy, happiness and abundant ease. This is the path to awaken to your Boundless Potential!

Mostly, we have been trained, educated and conditioned to live in our ‘minds’. We have been told to ‘think about it’ to ‘figure it out’ to ‘be mindful’. All of that has been imposed generation after generation, for thousands of years until it seems it’s in our DNA!  Simply, if you want to awaken your Boundless Potential – being solely in the mind doesn’t work. Living solely from the mind obscures clarity. Living solely from the mind has only limited potential for success and is unsustainable. The mind makes a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.

It is through the heart that true inspiration is accessible. The heart is the seat of spirit and wisdom and although it is completely natural to be connected with the heart, it is far more normal for most of us to be connected with the heart.

The way to live ‘in-spirit’ is to access the heart and the wisdom-guided direction that is available there. This is the path to remove the obstacles in the way of seeing life clearly. It is these obstacles that separate you from your very Self.  It is these obstacles that drive  the habit of relying on only the mind. It is that habit that causes you to live as who you’re not.

If you are ready and willing to really step into clarity.  If you’re ready to live the truth of who you really are, to be the freedom in your life you know you deserve, click here and let us help you reveal what is now and always has been your own window to the world of wisdom, joy and lasting happiness. Allow yourself to give yourself the gift of living in-spirit, of living an Inspiring Life. learn more or feel free to Contact Us now.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside themselves dreams; who looks inside awakens.

— Carl Jung