— Emotional Engineering —The Science of Life — 

Only when your life is in harmony with the whole, in balance, can true and lasting happiness, fulfillment and abundance be yours. What is it that keeps you out of harmony, out of balance? What is it that keeps you from the happiness, fulfillment and abundance you want and know you deserve in your life? Simply said, it’s the resistance that permeates your mind as thoughts.

It’s a scientific fact. The thoughts we hold and the beliefs we cling to, not only shape our experience in life, they create it. We are told we are co-creators in this life. That’s true. The tools we use to create are our thoughts. Thoughts are things in this world. Things that are being formed each moment until we consciously or unconsciously ‘think them’ into being.

Did you know, the average person thinks about 12,000 distinct thoughts per day. Since you are well above average, you might be interested to know that deep thinkers have as many as 50,000 distinct thoughts per day. If you subtract 8 hours for sleeping, that comes to nearly a thought per waking second! That’s a lot of thought, a lot of noise in your head! Do you know … which thoughts support your success? Do you know which thoughts sabotage your efforts? Do you know which thoughts make your life peaceful?  Do you know which thoughts make your life stressful? 

There are many high impact emotionally charged moments in life.  These result in the release of an electro-chemical flood in your body. The moments in life when you felt rejected, abused, terrorized, marginalized or unwanted and unloved, became ‘crystalizing moments’. These micro-instants in time create energetic blockages in the physiology of your body. Yes, these charges form blockages in the cellular structure of your body.  They’re called ‘cell memories’.  They form a kind of ’emotional grenade’ that become lodged in the cells of your body.

These cell memory charges lie dormant until, just the right set of circumstances and conditions confront you.  In that instant the pin is pulled and – bang – that grenade goes off as an electro-chemical surge in your body.  In that moment you just lost conscious control of what to say and what to do.  Another, more primal part of you takes over.

What takes control is the pattern hidden in the cell memory. Now, fear, anger, rage, jealousy, sadness, unworthiness, whatever it happens to be for you in that moment, has just take charge of your life.  This pattern sabotages your best efforts to be happy, whole and free. How?  In that moment in that situation you are not who you are, you are who you were when that cell memory first lodged itself in your physiology.

To make matters worse, that pattern will take control instantly, any time that or similar circumstance or condition arises for you again. You know exactly what this is like. We all do.

We all have these cell memories imbedded in our physical body. You, me, all of us. Many of these cell memories happen in childhood and while we are growing up. Many happen as a result of accident, injury, or life’s circumstances as children. They can even happen as we grow older. The only way to regain control of your life is to find these cell memories, these silent saboteurs and defuse them. How? They can only be reached from the level of consciousness at which they went in. So, mostly conventional methods of therapy, counseling and coaching that work with the mind don’t work. You can’t work with something unless you get to where it is!

You’ll know if you have one or more of these cell memories, these patterns, these silent saboteurs.  If you’re done with being a slave to your old programming, take advantage of our No Charge Chat.  Find out for yourself exactly how you can be free again, how you can regain control in and of your life and live a truly lasting life of happiness, abundance and freedom. Click Here. We’d love to help.

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

— Henry David Thoreau