The Inspiring Lives Difference

There is a difference – an Inspiring Difference and that difference is you. You are unique. You have come into life with a unique purpose for being and the universe would not be complete without you. And, even though you may not see it right now, deep down inside, hidden away, you know that it’s true.

This work of Inspiring Lives is about that unique you, that special you, that you that has come to fulfill your purpose for being. Your work, your business, your family are all ways in which you express this uniqueness of you.  They are all vehicles to support your evolution.  This can be difficult or graceful. This work is to let that you ‘out to play’ – to stop hiding, to awaken and be free. This is Inspiring Work… and you, the real you – free to be you, is the most inspiring result of all. You are the Inspiring Difference. 

We invite you to check out The Work and Why It Works or Contact Us now.  We’re happy to explain in detail how the work could benefit you and determine if Inspired Coaching is right for you.

“If you think dealing with issues like worthiness and authenticity and vulnerability are not worthwhile because there are more pressing issues, like the bottom line or attendance or standardized test scores, you are sadly, sadly mistaken. It underpins everything!”

— Brené Brown

Inspiring Lives Programs & Support

If you are experiencing life in ways that keep you limited, keep you from the joy, fulfillment, happiness, the freedom, abundance and well-being the deepest part of you knows you deserve, learn more about how and why this work really works and how it can work for you.   At Life Works there is an inspiring difference—we are INSPIRING LIVES—and we’d love to chat with you about yours—here’s how to begin.

What everyone should know—This web site is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. You should not rely on information provided on this web site for self-diagnosis or treatment of your own health challenges. Any questions regarding your own health, medications or treatment regimen should be addressed directly to your own healthcare provider. Life Works makes no representations, claims or promises regarding any healing outcome, as healing is a very personal journey that each of us takes.