If there was any question that the world is profoundly changing, the unexpected election results of November 8, 2016 should be enough to convince the most resolute of us that change is already here.  This change is not just in the United States, it is happening around the globe.  Consciousness is shifting and there is no way back.

The old adage of ‘United we stand..’ has long been recognized as a great truth in the world. It seems the founding fathers of the United States recognized this truth when they named the republic the United States of America. Since the unexpected outcome of these most recent election results in this country, it seems these States are no longer United. They are divided by the strongest divisor, fear.

Regardless of your political, economic or cultural beliefs this time of change presents a massive opportunity to cast a vote for unity. We can unite by default in fear or we can unite by design in love.  Despite our differences of belief and the ways in which we choose to resolve the problems we face as a nation and as a global community, we can truly come together in consciousness and invite understanding, compassion, peace and love.

In order for this unity to exist it does not take everyone to subscribe.  It only takes you.  As you hold the principal of unity in your heart, of collaboration in your mind the vibration set free radiates into the Universe.  One by one as we join each other in that consciousness of unity we set the wheels in motion for another great shift…the shift to higher consciousness, the shift to life by design, the shift to love.

As Martin Luther King said; “We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.”