What to Expect

We are always Forward-Focused

Unlike most therapy, which generally focuses on talking about the past, this work is forward focused and results oriented. We use the past to reveal the blockages, the limiting patterns, unconscious beliefs and thoughts structures that have kept you stuck.  This allows you to break through them and shift not only one area of your life, but actually change your life completely!

Our Clients Are Great

We are blessed with the privilege of choosing our clients. We are grateful for the presence of each and enjoy every one. Our clients are all growing and transforming with positive intention and we are honored to assist them in developing the personal and professional lives they desire and deserve.

We Expect Your Best

Hiring a coach says that you believe you are ready to do the work to be and live fully into your very best version of you. If at any time we feel you aren’t doing your best, we’ll be clear about that and invite you to stretch. If you can’t do it at that moment, we’ll understand and be open to what you need in order to be heard, appreciated and encouraged back into the forward-focused groove.

We Expect You to Use Us, Not Depend On Us

As your coach, we are a resource and a presence in your life for you to use to your best advantage when you need support and when you want to take the next steps forward. We have unlimited compassion, love, empathy, understanding and strength for you. We also have a lot of thoughts and ideas that we are willing to share in this co-creative partnership if and when you are ready to hear them. We ask that you use us as this conscious kind of a resource and not to let yourself become dependent on us, or the coaching. Coaching is about your independence and self-reliance – coaching is about you living in freedom to become and live as the fullness of your own innate greatness. And we are here to support, encourage and INSPIRE you in that…aways!

We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.

— Henry David Thoreau