My life seems out of control!

You’re Not AloneTime is moving faster – there is too much to do and not enough time or space in which to do it. Relationships are being stretched to the point of breaking and it seems there is no sanctuary, no oasis, nowhere left to hide.

You’re not alone. This is the experience we are all having right now. It is frustrating, even maddening and it seems to be getting worse every day.

Consciousness is expanding and on an ascending arc forward and upward. What we are experiencing is the shift in consciousness that has been predicted for thousands of years. Every culture and tradition from the Mayan to the Buddhist, from the Christian to the Hindu has spoken of a time when major change will sweep the planet. It is this sweeping, this cleansing of lower consciousness that is preparing the way for a higher consciousness to dawn. Even Nature herself is caught in this and reflects it with major shifts in weather and an exponential increase in natural disasters. It is happening right now…as you read these lines.

What is there to do? How can one prepare? Actually it’s simple. One simply has to align with this new and higher consciousness. In fact, you already are aligned perfectly, it is only the blocks and limitations, the silent saboteurs that keep you from living into that higher consciousness and being a part of this evolutionary shift.

The ultimate goal is the elevation of consciousness to the highest possible level so you can live on purpose with your purpose for being in life. Even after the first session, many people experience a deep feeling of inner calm, leading even to a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with life. This is an indication of the deepest result – that you have opened up and aligned with your spirit, which in turn feeds and nourishes you fully. From this place, the results continue to manifest. It is a process of transformation that continues.

Removing those barriers that keep you from being who you really are, aligning with the consciousness connection that is already here at the deepest level in you is all that needs to be done. If you want to stop the craziness and align, if you want to really be a part of this ascending stream of consciousness that leads to eternal joy, happiness and abundance, click here and learn how you can start today.

When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose.

— Chief Seattle